2023 Nanaimo Cruise Night
Timing is everything, and when I had to go to Victoria to shoot photos and video of an industrial pipe relining process, I made sure I went on a day when there was a cruise night happening. I go to the Ferry at 615am and missed the 7 am. No reservations were available. So because there was not 8 am sailing, I had to wait for the 9 am and got into Victoria pretty late but got to see the lining process in action.
The sewers are over 100 years old and were built of bricks into an egg-shaped pipe with a smaller invert of the pipe to promote faster flows during off peaks times. The new pipe was Fiberglass and each pipe was inserted from one central point, much like angioplasty to fix a collapsed artery. Space age stuff.
The company was also doing a job in Nanaimo so I had to drive up there to take pre construction photos and there just happened to be a car show on that evening. I got there at 7ish due to the “goat trail” like Malahat highway being clogged, and many cars had already left, but I got to see Terry Denomme of Canadian Hot Rods magazine and Dan Dertien of Vancouver Island Hot Rods, and a ton of cool cars!!!